Monday, July 18, 2016

Why my idea would be good for Luxury Cars:

My NCP-6 H-Gate Transmission idea would not just be good for sports cars, but it would be a good option for basic vehicles and even luxury cars.  You see, less and less luxury vehicles are now being offered in a standard gearbox than ever.  Such luxury brands as Acura, Lexus, Lincoln, etc. don't offer a manual gearbox anymore.  Brands like Cadillac and Buick only have one or two models with a manual.  The other luxury car brands I can think of that offer a standard gearbox are Audi and BMW on their compact cars like the A4 and the 3 Series.

If you are going to look for a new luxury vehicle with a manual, your best options will be Audi and BMW as those cars are popular brands in Europe and more Europeans drive manuals than Americans.  They still try to promote their manual cars in the US market as they know most American and Asian brand luxury cars come only as automatics now days.  To others, it just seems that having the inconvenience of shifting and the clutch pedal in a luxury car defies the purpose of luxury to them.  Also, with all the new accident prevention safety features such as the crash detection automatic braking systems, it probably would not work with a standard gearbox.

The NCP-6 H-Gate Transmission might be able to accommodate for such safety features that people want in new luxury cars.  The main reason is because the clutch is automatic.  So if it automatically braked to prevent an accident and you didn't have time to shift down, you would not kill the engine.  Also, you could start the car from 5th or 6th gear and not have the engine stall (it would accelerate a lot slower though).

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