Monday, July 25, 2016

I'm not sure whether I should send this to my congressmen or not?

This blog post is just another idea on how to get the American people's interest on wanting to purchase a manual transmission equipped vehicle (it is not my stupid Auto/H-Gate idea).

To my Congressmen,

Vehicles equipped with manual transmissions are selling in very low numbers in America now days while in other regions of the world, they sell just fine compared to their automatic comparisons.  Even 20-years ago, their was a higher percentage of manual vehicles sold.  With automatics improving with fuel-economy and other convenient features that a manual can't offer, it just seems that the art of stick shift will lose its trend after another 20-years or less.

But their has always been one keen advantage of owning a vehicle equipped with a standard transmission and that would be the cost factor.  Even though most new automatics have gotten to be better than most new manuals gearboxes, what will always be a fact is that the standard transmission is cheaper to maintain and cheaper to fix or replace as they don't have as many complex moving parts as an automatic (such as a torque converter).  Despite what you add-on to an automatic gearbox, you'll never get the maintenance quality of a standard gearbox.

My point is the Federal Government gave out $7,500 incentives for electric vehicles to willing buyers as car companies are having trouble selling those and in my opinion, they are no better than a regular gas operated vehicle equipped with a manual transmission.  Personally, you can get a lot farther in a stick shift, gasoline operated vehicle than you could in an electric car that only has a range of around 50-75 miles per charge.  Also the maintenance on an electric vehicle would be a lot more expensive than a gasoline, manual transmission equipped vehicle.

The bottom line, I think it would interest buyers into purchasing a standard gearbox vehicle if their was like maybe a $3,500-$5,000 incentive off the price of the vehicle.  It would also influence car companies to want to manufacture more vehicles with a manual transmission.

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