Friday, July 22, 2016

What's the point of the Multi-Purpose Transmission?

Basically, it has all of the same features as the Auto/H-Gate 6 idea except it's a 7-speed dual-clutch with three different shifting modes.  The two original shift modes are kept practically the same and a third one is added.

As you know with sports cars, paddle shifters are becoming increasingly popular since around 20 years ago starting with the 1997 Ferrari F355.  It only became more and more popular to the point where even cheap little sports cars like the MX-5 Miata have an optional automatics with flappy paddles behind the steering wheel.  So I thought since this is technically an automatic, Auto/H-Gate could somehow accommodate paddle shifters into a second kind of manual mode, called sport mode.  And since it's a dual-clutch transmission, automatic and sport mode would be more practical for shifting quicker than the manual mode.  The manual mode is still best for gear control such as engine braking or classic driving.

So the name "Multi-Purpose Transmission" really fits what it can do compared to other gearboxes.

So again, the three different shift modes are:
Automatic Mode:  Used for when you want the vehicle to shift automatically.
Sport Mode (Paddle Shifters):  Used for when you want to manually shift, but want faster acceleration and shifting to take place (for the best overall performance).
Manual Mode (H-Gate):  Used for when you want to manually shift gears the semi-old fashioned way (no clutch pedal remember) or for the best control over your gears.

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