Monday, July 18, 2016

Here's how you would drive the NCP-6 A/H-Gate Transmission

Now this is just a basic example on how driving a vehicle with a transmission like this would work.  If this were to be a developed gearbox and in a production vehicle someday, it might be a little bit different than explained.

Step 1.  Get the vehicle out of Park [P] and into Neutral "N".

Step 2.  Release the Handbrake.

Step 3.  Still apply the Brake Pedal and put the car into Drive "D".

Step 4.  If you're looking for some fun while driving it, shift it into the manual mode.  It is highly recommended to switch when you're at a stop so you know just to put it into 1st gear "1".

Step 5.  Once you take off and you reach around 3,000 to 3,500 RPMs shift it into 2nd gear "2".

Step 6.  Same thing for 3rd gear "3" and so on.

Step 7.  If you get some stress with shifting for example in heavy traffic,  simply place the car back into drive.

Step 8.  Put the vehicle back into Neutral "N" before putting it into Park [P].

Final Step.  Apply the brake pedal and apply the handbrake, then place into Park [P].

It's that simple and there's no clutch pedal to deal with.  It's an Automatic and a Manual (technically an automatic though).  I'm going to re-symbolize the H-pattern stick as "Hell" to "Hell of a good time" and no flappy paddle gearboxes are going to get in my way.

If you like what you're reading, please comment or just comment to be supportive, realistic, honest, anything that's not negative welcome.

Nicholas Bonneau.

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